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money_off Non-Profit Organisations

LifeLine Nelspruit assists in emotional wellness for individuals, through counselling and training.
LifeLine Nelspruit is a non-governmental organization that offers a free and confidential counseling service to all members of the greater Nelspruit community who are in need or in crisis.

This service is provided by trained counselors who are skilled in the art of listening and encourage responsible problem solving. They are committed to giving emotional support either telephonically or through personal interviews.

LifeLine Nelspruit strives to improve quality of life by offering courses in self-awareness, communication and life skills. As a community- based voluntary organization, LifeLine involves the community and its resources to achieve their mutual objectives.
Business Hours:
MonTueWedThuFriSatSunPublic Holidays
24 hours24 hours24 hours24 hours24 hours24 hours24 hours
Company Address:
8a hope street, nelspruit
Tel 1: 013 755 2635
Tel 2: 013 755 3606
Fax 1: 013 752 8444
Cell 1: 082 554 1182